His Grace Longin, bishop of The New Gracanica Metropolitanate


The bishop Longin was born on September 29th 1955 in the village of Kruscanj, district of Olovo, to Stanoje and Ana. He graduated from the Holy three Hierarchs Seminary in the Krka monastery in 1975, when he entered the monastic life. He graduated from the Spiritual Academy in Moscow in 1979. Since then he has been serving uninterruptedly in dioceses in the Serbian Orthodox Church. He spent two years as a teaching assistant in the seminary at the Krka monastery. After that, he started post-graduate studies at London University in England. He was cheirotoned bishop on October 20th 1985, and served as vicar bishop of Moravica. In May of the following year he was chosen to serve as bishop of Australia and New Zealand and remained in this service for six and a half years. At the Council in 1992, His Grace accepted the position of bishop of Dalmatia, all the time residing at the Krka Monastery as he was unable to live in his residence in Sibenik. With the blessing of patriarch Pavle (Paul), he has traveled across the world to collect help for the suffering Serbian people.